Not much new happening here. Days are flying by at a very fast pace. Bunny is growing, and she seems to be changing every day. I find it hard sometimes to keep up with her changes, things that work for her one day may not work the next... But she's still a great kid, sleeping well at night, now smiling at our crazy antics.
I try to keep somewhat busy, giving myself tasks for every day. On top of the mountain of laundry (I will have to post a picture of our "diaper trees": clothes racks with drying diapers), I try to get some cooking or cleaning or organizing done. On the days where we don't have any outings that is :) Bunny is sleeping less and less during the day, which is a really good thing as it gets her to interact with the world a lot more, but on the other hand it leaves me with less time to do my daily tasks. It's kind of hard (not to mention dangerous) to be stoking a fire with an infant in your hands, so I try to avoid it!
The picture at the top of the post is of an owl we saw in our back yard a few weeks ago (mentioned in Bunny's blog). I took the picture through our kitchen window, and the owl turned to look at me when I turned the camera on. She could hear that odd sound through our window - what phenomenal hearing!
No other news in this cozy corner of the world. I keep having lots of thoughts for posts, but never enough actual time/concentration to be able to write them all. In time I hope to get more organized, so that I can carve out some blogging time for myself during the week. At least I am now feeling more like myself, as the first 6 weeks postpartum felt like I was walking in a bit of a haze...