Sunday, April 29, 2007


Don't have that much to say today, but I got a pretty good connection going, so I thought I'd share a few pictures with you.

First off is the adorable little marzipan tiger that DH got me for my birthday. The picture is a little fuzzy, but isn't he just adorable?

Then I have two pictures of tulips. In a strange coincidence, this spring I received two sets of potted tulips, a week or so apart. I've been setting them up in different places in the kitchen trying to get the best picture I can before they wilt. They're not the most hardy of flowers, but at least in the fall I will be able to plant them in the garden, and then they will come back every spring :)

As for the summary of the weekend, it was busy but fun and pretty social. First of all, we were supposed to have a baby shower for friends of ours of Sunday, but apparently little Matthew couldn't wait and decided to be born on Saturday (over a month early!). Everyone is doing great, but imagine their surprise :) Just goes to show you never know when the big day will happen! Needless to say, no shower happened, and we will have to get the gifts to them some other time.

Friday night we watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", a film we both heartily recommend. DH had seen it previously, so it was nice to see it together. I would definitely watch it again. Saturday we started out with some errands. Then we went to the movie theatre, to see some opera. Yes, you read that right. It's this new thing that the people at the Metropolitan Opera from New York have come up with, where opera performances from the Met are broadcast live in HD to theaters all over the world. It's certainly an interesting experience, and you really can't go wrong seeing an opera for around $20! Unless you hate opera that is ;) Though DH, who's not a big fan of the opera, enjoyed the show nonetheless. We saw Puccini's "Il Trittico", of which the first act was by far the best! If you're interested, take a look at the website, there may be upcoming performances being broadcast where you live. In Canada, the shows are presented by Cineplex.

After that, we went to a friend's house for a birthday celebration of pizza and poker. I won a little money, but DH lost a little, so in the end we came out with 3$ less. A cheap night's entertainment, that's for sure ;)

Today we mostly puttered around the yard, finishing the pathway at the back of the house. I can't believe the day is almost over! The "Amazing Race" has just started, and that always means the end of the weekend. Back to work on Monday, slaving hard trying to meet the deadlines :)

Hope y'all had a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weekend update a few days late...

Another weekend gone, and still no blog update... I am really starting to slack in the blog department. Though I have a few good excuses, like a flaky internet access from home (and I was even going to post some pictures!), and overall busy schedule.

Just to prove that I'm not lying, here's a summary of our weekend:
  • Friday night, we installed an outdoor thermometer on our bedroom window so that DH can tell the temp outside without having to turn on the TV in the morning (I kid you not, that has been his m.o. so far!); then we played around in the basement with the setup of the new projector that we're planning to use to watch movies; the consensus right now is that we need a screen (the old white sheet will do in a pinch, but it is suboptimal), but we can probably rig up a stand for it from some spare parts :) another weekend project I guess...
  • Saturday we cleaned up the flower beds, pruned all the shrubs around the house, raked the remaining leaves off the lawn, then we replaced the clothesline (it was cracked and rusty, and was starting to poke my fingers and leave rusty prints on the clothes!), then in the afternoon we put together the barbeque that we had bought in the fall of 2005 (eek!), then we got a call from friends for a last minute supper invite, so we went out for supper with the adorable twins (A&E) and their parents - lots of fun! In the evening we went to see the concert given by a local amateur orchestra that our friend belongs to. That was very fun too (her 5 year old daughter was there, and we had some play time, which is always nice), and the music was very good - Peer Gynt amongst others.
  • Sunday we first went shopping for supplies, and then we worked outside again (since the weather was fabulous!), creating a walking path behind the house with some old patio stones (it's not finished yet, but pretty close, I will post pictures soon!), right where we eliminated raspberry bushes last year; meanwhile DH cleaned the winter tires and wheels for both cars, washed the winter mats, vaccuumed the cars and put in the summer mats.
On top of that, I think I did something like 7 loads of laundry - with a beautiful drying weather like that, I finally got a chance to wash all the sheets that our guests used a few weeks ago!

So that made for a pretty full weekend. It seems like all of our weekends this year have been pretty packed. This coming weekend is going to be no exception: we're going to a friend's birthday party on Saturday, and then we'll be hosting a baby shower on Sunday.

Aside from that, work is getting pretty crazy busy. But I am getting lots of things accomplished, so I am feeling pretty ok with the whole thing. My project may be a little late, but I'm not expecting too many unsurmountable obstacles between now and the end. Ask me again in a few weeks, though :)

So here you go... Halfway through the week, and I'm only posting the weekend summary. Sad, sad indeed...

Hope everyone is doing well and taking advantage of the warm weather (yay for sandals!).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Gotta get high speed...

I haven't been writing here nearly as much as I would like to. I keep thinking of great subjects to blog about, things to ponder, and it seems like I never have enough time. But then tonight I realized, that if we actually had decent internet access at home, I wouldn't mind spending a few minutes online every evening or so. You see, only having dial-up makes the internet experience so frustrating, by the time I am connected, and I've checked my email, it's been half an hour, and I am tired of sitting and waiting for pages to load (which, BTW is a lot worse with Yahoo! than Gmail), I am in no mood to blog.

Tonight I happen to be staying at my parent's place, who have a high-speed connection, and I decided to do a quick email check (despite the late hour), and realized I could take a few minutes and write a quick note here. Something I can't really do on dial-up without a big time investment.

Lucky for me, the city of Ottawa is rolling out a project that will make high-speed internet accessible for anyone living within the city limits. So I have high hopes that some time this year we will get access to high-speed internet (without the crazy restrictions, and even crazier prices of satellite internet). And then, watch out! I'll be blogging every day :)

But now it's time to head for bed. It's been a long day, and I want to get up early tomorrow morning to head home.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bloggers unite!

Ok, I have to admit, I am a bit of a blog addict. I have 9 blogs on my daily blogroll (checked every morning when I get to work), and I have been known to troll the web for more blogs to read whenever time permits (which is pretty rare these days).

Today, on one of the blogs that I read regularly, which I had found through the blog of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend ;), I learned about this blog. My heart goes out to this amazing, courageous woman.

A candle for Snickollet.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where does the time go?

I know, I know, I've been very quiet... And I had promised to write some stuff about happy times in my life... You can probably add last weekend to that list. It was great! We had a blast! The kids were so amazingly sweet and adorable, and I think everyone had a good time. DH's grandmother's 95th birthday was a great success, with tons of people attending. SIL's husband took lots of pictures, and as soon as I get them I will post a few. I was too busy coordinating food and everything else, I didn't even take one picture! There are a few pictures of DH holding his niece at the party that are just priceless.

Aside from that, work has become really crazy. I will probably have to work most of the weekend to do some catching up... DH has 4 days off for this long weekend, I'll be lucky if I get one... But I can't complain, I took Monday off, so I already had a long weekend :)

Even though we have had some snow today, you can see some signs of spring. Our yard looks a little sad, I can't wait to see flowers and plants sprout up all over the place. This year, we can hopefully do some home improvements on the outside. We need to re-gravel the driveway, and redo the garage roof, and I would really like to get some landscaping done as well. But that's all a lot of work, we'll see if I am a little too ambitious here (ask me again in November :)).

So that's it for an update. Short and sweet, maybe some time this weekend I'll find a little more time to write...

Enjoy the spring sunshine!